Receptor de telecomanda
Faciliteaza comutarea on/ff , utilizand telecomanda televizorului . Telecomanda TV-ului devine un accesoriu care poate comanda un consumator , de la distanta de max 10 metri . Frecventa de lucru a receptorului TSOP1738 este de 38 Khz . semnalul receptionat de telecomanda este captat de acest senzor , amplificat de primul tranzistor si a aplicat pe pinul de ceas (14) al numaratorului 4017 . Cum iesirea Q2 a numaratorului este conectata la pinul 15( reset) , o apasare pe un buton al telecomanzii trece iesirea Q0 in 1 logic (releu Off) , iar la urmatoarea apasare , numaratoarea avanseaza , Q1 trece in 1 si Q0 in 0 si se actioneaza releul . O noua apasate face ca Q2 sa treaca in 1 , sa reseteze numaratorul si implicit sa activeze Q0 , adica releul in stare off . Montajul se va alimenta cu 5 Volti . Releul trebuie sa fie pentru aceeasi tensiune de anclansare 5 volti . Contactul de lucru se poate folosi pentru a actiona si opri orice consumator electric , tinand cont de curentul max suportat de contactele releului .
The receiver also use PIC16F630 to control all function then.When power is applied to circuit the CPU will polling the IR input signal which is the output from IR decoder module(TSOP4838).After IR received the CPU decoding the IR command and turn on the buzzer about 60mS to generate beep sound. If you want to know how to decode the RC5 format read from this website.
The output (relay) work as a toggle output thus when the right IR command decode complete the output will turn on and if the same IR command sent again the output will turn off.
The receiver also use PIC16F630 to control all function then.When power is applied to circuit the CPU will polling the IR input signal which is the output from IR decoder module(TSOP4838).After IR received the CPU decoding the IR command and turn on the buzzer about 60mS to generate beep sound. If you want to know how to decode the RC5 format read from this website.
The output (relay) work as a toggle output thus when the right IR command decode complete the output will turn on and if the same IR command sent again the output will turn off.
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Fig 2. IR receiver circuit
PIC16F630 is the heart of the transmitter used to send IR command to receiver.It also generate 38KHz carrier frequency.The CR2016 is 3V battery which is supply for the circuit.
When any key not pressed the CPU work in SLEEP mode to reduce baterry power consumption and wake-up only when any key pressed. To wake-up the CPU from SLEEP mode the CPU use interrupt on change feature which interrupted when the state on PORTA change then the program execution after an interrupt is at the interrupt vector, if the global interrupt is not enabled, the program starts executing the first line of code right after the SLEEP instruction.In the interrupt service routine the software will scan the key that pressed and send IR command appropriate with key pressed.
PIC16F630 is the heart of the transmitter used to send IR command to receiver.It also generate 38KHz carrier frequency.The CR2016 is 3V battery which is supply for the circuit.
When any key not pressed the CPU work in SLEEP mode to reduce baterry power consumption and wake-up only when any key pressed. To wake-up the CPU from SLEEP mode the CPU use interrupt on change feature which interrupted when the state on PORTA change then the program execution after an interrupt is at the interrupt vector, if the global interrupt is not enabled, the program starts executing the first line of code right after the SLEEP instruction.In the interrupt service routine the software will scan the key that pressed and send IR command appropriate with key pressed.
Fig 1. IR transmitter circuit
Bariera in infrarosu
Receptorul actioneaza ca un TSOP 1736...40(folosit impreuna cu Girder), dar e special conceput pt. dispozitive ce lucreaza pe-afara - porti de garaj, alarme perimetrale - in lumina puternica.
De asta sarcina fotodiodei e una activa(T1,R2, curent ct.) ce face circuitul imun la semnale perturbatoare mai ales in cazul legaturilor la mare distanta.
Receptorul contine un amplificator(T2,3) cu doua etaje cuplate galvanic apoi un detector de nivel(T4,5,6) ce pune iesirea in "0"
Emitator : R1-100W;R2-2K2;R3-27K;R4-120W;R5-2R2; R6-12W; C1-1m/10; C2-10n; C3-47n; C4-100m/10;
T1,2-2N3904; T3-2N2222A; D-1N4007.
Receptor : R1,19-1K;R2,5-330K;R3-33K;R4-K47;R6-2K7;R7,16,18-4K7;R8-470K;R9-120K;R10-27K;R11-K56;R12-390K; R13-K82;R14-2K2;R15-K39;R17-K56;C1-33n;
C2-220p;C3-10m/10;C4-2n2; C5-47n; C6,7-100m/10.
T1,4,5-BC177; T2-BC109C; T3-BC108; T6,7-BC171; T8,9-BD139;DZ-PL5V6; D1,2-1N4001...7.
Led IR - TSAL6100, TSAL7200(Vishay, l-940nm).Fotodioda - BPW41N, BPV23F(Vishay, l-940nm).
Releul - orice tip de 12Vdc cu nr. de contacte dupa nevoi.
Alimentarea de 12-15Vdc nestabilizat se poate lua dintr-un alimentator de tip plug-in la un curent de 0,2 ... 0,5A.
Fara lentila distanta de lucru e de 5...6m; cu ea bariera se lungeste la peste 40m dar apar si probleme de aliniere.
Releul poate actiona practic orice : circuite de alarma, becuri(avertizare silentioasa), motoare(usi de garaj,porti),
zavoare electromagnetice, ... . Eliminand releul(+T7 si T8) din schema, iesirea receptorului(colectorul lui T5
respectiv R15) poate comanda diverse circuite : numaratoare(obiecte pe banda), turometre, ... .
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