PIR Sensor Based Security System
The circuit of an inexpensive and highly secure electronic security system is explained below. This electronic security system can be used in banks and other high security areas.
A normal electronic security system will have a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter sends out an IR laser and this will be received by the receiver. When an intruder walks past the device, the IR beam is cut and thus the alarm is activated. But, this system has some major disadvantages like limited range and poor line of sight. These disadvantages are eliminated through the PIR sensor circuit explained below.
Instead of infrared or laser transmitters and receivers, PIR (Passive Infrared Radial) sensors are used in this circuit. The sensor is basically a pyroelectric device. When the device is exposed to infrared radiation, it generates an electric charge. The device is made of crystalline material. According to the change in the amount of infrared striking the element, there will be a change in the voltages generated, which is measured by an on-board amplifier.
The infrared light explained here refers to the light radiating from all objects in its field of view. The reason for not having a transmitter and receiver is that the device does not emit one, but only accepts the energy emitted from objects above absolute zero in the form of radiations. Thus the temperature will be different for a human working past a sensor, and that of a wall right in front of it. Thus the word “passive” is used in PIR to explain that it does not emit a radiation and receive it, but instead accepts the incoming infrared radiation passively.
The block diagram of the PIR based security system is given below.
PIR Block Diagram
The device contains a special filter called a Fresnel lens, which focuses the infrared signals onto the element. As the ambient infrared signals change rapidly, the on-board amplifier trips the output to indicate motion. We can say that the PIR sensor is a human body sensor because it is only activated when a human or animal walks past the sensor. The PIR sensor is the heart of the project. We can design the project in such a manner that as soon as the burglar or intruder walks past the sensor, the alarms would turn on and the whole lighting system could turn on.
Circuit Diagram
PIR Sensor Based Security System
D204B PIR sensor is used in this project. The PIR sensor is the heart of the project.
Two stage OP-amp: LM 324 is used as two stage amplifier. The signal from the PIR sensor is very low so this signal is amplified by using LM324.LM324 is a quad OP-amp. First two op-amps act as amplifiers.
The comparator compares the signal from the amplifier and a reference voltage.3rd and 4th OP-amp of LM 324 act as comparator.
Whenever the output of comparator make HIGH Q1 transistor gets ON and relay will be energized causing the alarm and lamp to turn ON.
Power supply converts 230 Volt AC into 12 Volt DC and 5 Volt DC. IC 7812 is used as the 12 Volt voltage regulator and a 5v zener diode act as the 5 Volt voltage regulator. http://www.circuitstoday.com
Here is the circuit diagram of an infrared motion detector that can be used to sense intrusions. Infra red rays reflected from a static object will be in one phase, and the rays reflected from a moving object will be in another phase. The circuit uses this principle to sense the motion.
The IC1 (NE 555) is wired as an astable multivibrator. The IR diode connected at the output of this IC produces infrared beams of frequency 5Khz. These beams are picked by the infrared sensor, photo transistor Q1. At normal condition, that is, when there is no intrusion the output pin (7) of IC2 will be low. When there is an intrusion the phase of the reflected waveforms has a difference in phase and this phase difference will be picked by the IC2. Now the pin 7 of the IC 2 goes high to indicate the intrusion. An LED or a buzzer can be connected at the output of the IC to indicate the intrusion.
Circuit diagram with Parts list.
- Comparators IC2a and IC2b are belonging to the same IC2 (LM1458). So the power supply is shown connected only once. No problem.
- When there is disturbance in the air or vehicles passing nearby, the IR motion sensor circuit may get false triggered.
- POT R5 can be used for sensitivity adjustment.
Receptor în infraroşu pentru Winamp

Winamp este un program interactiv pentru PC destinat redării fişierelor în format mp3 care se adresează în mare parte celor pasionaţi de muzică şi nu numai. Prin intermediul interfeţei virtuale grafice pe care o afişează pe ecran acest program se pot executa aproximativ toate comenzile pe care un utilizator le poate exersa asupra unei combine muzicale reale. În continuare ne propunem să realizăm o interfaţă fizică care să ne permită să executăm de la distanţă comenzile acestui program folosindu-ne în principiu de o telecomandă în infraroşu, cum ar fi de exemplu telecomanda de la televizorul sau videorecorderul dumneavoastră. Interfaţa hard pe care ne propunem să o realizăm urmează să se conecteze prin intermediul unui cablu serial la calculator. Cu ajutorul unui program software care se va instala în prealabil în directorul în care este instalat şi programul Winamp această interfaţă hardware prezentată în figura1 este capabilă să interpreteze semnalele infraroşu recepţionate de la telecomandă, să decodifice aceste semnale şi să le transmită programului muzical spre a se executa comanda dorită, în continuare vom explica schema hardware a dispozitivului de captare a semnalelor emise de telecomandă şi modul de lucru al interfeţei grafice. Schema utilizează un microcontroler PIC12C509 programabil, un receptor de infraroşu şi doar câteva componente periferice care vor asigura buna funcţionare a acestor dispozitive, în schema din figura 1 este prezentată schema electrică a circuitului şi pinii cu ajutorul cărora realizăm comunicaţia cu calculatorul. În schema din figura 2 este prezentată schema cablajului imprimat şi modul de plasare al componentelor electronice. Referitor la schema da principiu putem afirma ca se poate reduce numărul componentelor prin renunţarea la quartz şi condensatorii ficşi care conduc la masă terminalele acestuia cu condiţia ca în momentul programării microcontrolerului PIC12C509 să se activeze operaţia de programare cu reţea RC internă.



După executare cablajului imprimat şi montarea componentelor electronice cnform schemei se trece la punerea în funcţiune a echipamentului urmărind următorii paşi:
- se instalează mai întâi programul software pentru winamp numit INFRARED2 şi se conectează cablul serial la unul din porturile seriale ale calculatorului;
- se lansează în execuţie programul Winamp şi din meniul Visualization al acestui program se alege Visualization options şi se trece la configurarea operaţiilor pe care le va executa programul.
Cum facem configurarea?
Odată ce dispunem de o telecomandă, de preferat de videorecorder, CD player pentru a ne bucura de toate facilităţile compatibile cu cele din WINAMP (PLAY, PAUSE, STOP... etc.) se trece ia iniţializarea comenzilor.
Cu un singur click dreapta pe interfaţa grafică a MP3-player-ului putem alege din meniul Options, submeniul Preferences. De aici se selectează General Purpose şi configurăm INFRARED 2 cu comanda CONFIGURE. În acest moment pe ecran apare lista de comenzi ce poate fi executată cu ajutorul telecomenzii.
Se alege cu ajutorul mouse-ului, spre exemplu butonul PLAY. În acest moment calculatorul ne cere să apăsam un buton de pe telecomandă care să fie apt cu îndeplinirea funcţiei. La prima apăsare a butonului calculatorul va memora secvenţa optică recepţionată de receptor. La a doua apăsare se va face confirmarea comenzii şi iniţializarea acesteia pentru a putea fi recunoscută mai târziu. Aceleaşi operaţii se efectuează şi pentru celelalte comenzi, în cazul în care unul din butoane a mai fost configurat, calculatorul va respinge automat cererea şi va cere să iniţializaţi comanda dorită cu altă secvenţă optică. După epuizarea tuturor comenzilor trebuie restartat sistemul pentru iniţializarea finală. La pornirea programului WINAMP calculatorul va recunoaşte automat interfaţa şi va fi capabil să îndeplinească toate comenzile transmise.
Menţionăm că această interfaţă funcţionează si sub sistemul de operare LINUX în modul de lucru KDE unde se poate găsi un program similar cu programul Winamp de redare al fişierelor mp3. în cadrul sistemului de operare LINUX nu mai este necesară instalarea unui alt software suplimentar de compatibilitate cu interfaţa deoarece acest software se instalează automat odată cu instalarea sistemului LINUX. Pentru rularea aplicaţiei în WINDOWS este necesară procurarea plugin-ului pentru Winamp numit INFRARED2.
Programul în format HEX necesar programării microcontrolerului se numeşte ir509B.
Software-urile menţionate mai sus pot fi descărcate făcând click pe link-ul următor:http://www.girlshare.ro/1809274.5

Infrared motion detector Circuit
The pyroelectric sensor is made of a crystalline material that
generates a surface electric charge when exposed to heat in the
form of infrared radiation. When the amount of radiation striking
the crystal changes, the amount of charge also changes and
can then be measured with a sensitive FET device built into the
sensor. The sensor elements are sensitive to radiation over a wide
range so a filter window is added to the TO5 package to limit
detectable radiation to the 8 to 14mm range which is most sensitive
to human body radiation.
Typically, the FET source terminal pin 2 connects through a
pulldown resistor of about 100 K to ground and feeds into a two
stage amplifier having signal conditioning circuits. The amplifier
is typically bandwidth limited to below 10Hz to reject high
frequency noise and is followed by a window comparator that
responds to both the positive and negative transitions of the
sensor output signal. A well filtered power source of from 3 to
15 volts should be connected to the FET drain terminal pin 1

Application Schematic of Pyroelectric Infrared Motion
Sensors CircuitNote: For best results the power supply should be very stable
at a constant +5V DC +/- .2V.This Schematic is offered for reference only without warranty
of any kind. Microsystem Technologies does not support user
designs or implementations that use this circuit

Automatic security lights Circuit
Combination PIR sensor and floodlight units are cheap but
rather inflexible if you want to locate the sensor and light in
different places. In my case, I wanted to detect movement
on the driveway and switch on the lights in the carport around
the corner. Yet another job for the ubiquitous PICAXE-08

A standard PIR sensor is used as the movement detector.
The sensor interfaces to the PICAXE (IC1) on input 2 (pin 5).
This pin is pulled low via isolation diode D3 and the normally
open (NO) output of the sensor whenever movement is
detected. It can also be pulled low by transistor Q1, which acts
as a simple inverter for sensors with normally closed (NC) outputs.
Passive Infrared Motion Detector Circuit
This circuit was originally reverse -engineered from a motion
detecting yard light that I ripped apart. That's still probably the
best way to get the parts at a reasonable price, especially the
pyroelectric sensor and the absolutely necessary Fresnel lens.
The signal at pin 7 of the 324 is very interesting and fooling with
the filtering around the first amplification stage can make it even
more so. The LM324 is a wonderful little bug, and you will find
many uses for the window comparator if you look at it the same
way you would learn a new really useful knot. It all works on a
single 5 volt supply. The sensor is only sensitive to changes
across its surface, so don't expect a signal from a static object
even if it is hot. Yard lights are turning up at flea markets and yard
sales as people find themselves heads up every time the cat walks
past. This circuit is in a machine that sees people moving 40 feet

Receptor IR
pentru receptia unor comenzi de la o clasica "telecomanda TV"
Cablaj pentru o schema de receptor de infrarosii, care poate primi comenzi de la o clasica "telecomanda de televizor" si comanda un releu. Schema se gaseste din ce in ce mai des pe net, dar fara o prezentare a vreunei versiuni de cablaj, ceea ce dezarmeaza, mai ales pe incepatori.
Schema primita este asemanatoare sau inspirata de cea prezentata pe site-ul ELECTRONICS LAB si anume in articolulInfrared Toggle Switch for Home Appliances.
care la randul ei este identica cu cea de la MAKE CIRCUITS:
Pentru a desena rapid un cablaj am folosit programul dedicat Eagle. Schema este asemanatoare celor prezentate anterior, diferind modul de conectare al LED-ului. Ea se bazeaza pe un senzor de infrarosu (TSOP1738) si pe "clasicul CMOS 4017" (o schema asemanatoare am prezentat-o in articolul Butoane "soft" - butoane fara retinere -, doar ca acolo era folosit un buton fara retinere):

o reprezentare 3D a montajului, ar arata astfel:
Pentru a realiza cablajul, va pun la dispozitie 2 variante:
- cablaj pentru metoda clasica care se poate realiza ca in articolul: Cum facem un cablaj
- cablaj pentru "metoda transferului" care se poate realiza ca in articolul: Cum facem un cablaj (II) Am facut si o simulare a functionarii cu ajutorul programului Crocodile Technology, numita receptor IR ver1:
Schema necesita o alimentare de 5V, care se poate face ca in articolul Stabilizator tensiune cu LM317:
Exista o varianta de kit (Kitrus - kit 58), care foloseste senzorul TSOP1738 si o jumatate din CMOS-ul 4013:
M-am gandit ca as putea face si o varianta pentru nu utiliza un transformator de retea si anume alimentare cu condensator serie, dioda zenner si comanda unui triac prin optocuplor (gen MOC3041, 3042, 3043).

o reprezentare 3D a montajului, ar arata astfel:
Pentru a realiza cablajul, va pun la dispozitie 2 variante:
- cablaj pentru metoda clasica care se poate realiza ca in articolul: Cum facem un cablaj
- cablaj pentru "metoda transferului" care se poate realiza ca in articolul: Cum facem un cablaj (II)
Sursa http://www.niqro.3x.ro/receptor_IR/receptor_ir.htm
Lampa cu infrarosu
- caldura generata de lampa in infrarosu penetreaza adanc in zona expusa, relaxeaza muschii si totodata stimuleaza circulatia sangelui
- caldura placuta dilateaza venele capilare, rezultand o mai buna oxigenare si aprovizionare nutritiva a tesuturilor
- poate fi folosita în tratarea mai multor afecțiuni: dureri reumatice, leziuni sportive, alergii și boli specifice sezonului rece, tratamente de detoxifiere, ingrijirea tenului, etc
- unghi de înclinare reglabil
- tub infrarosu Philips
- alimentare: 230V/50Hz; consum:100W
- proiectat si fabricat in Uniunea Europeana
Electronics Components: How to Detect Infrared Light
There are several ways to detect infrared light in an electronic circuit, but the most common is with a device called a phototransistor. You can buy a phototransistor for less than a dollar at RadioShack or any other store that stocks electronic components.
To understand how a phototransistor works, first review how a transistor works. A transistor has three terminals, known as the base, collector, and emitter. Within the transistor, there’s a path between the collector and emitter.
How well this path conducts depends on whether voltage is applied across the base and the emitter. If voltage is applied, the collector-emitter path conducts well. If there’s no voltage on the base, the collector-emitter path doesn’t conduct.
In a phototransistor, the base isn’t a separate terminal that’s connected to a voltage source in your circuit. Instead, the base is exposed to light. When infrared light hits the base, the energy in the light is converted to voltage, and the emitter-collector path conducts.
Thus, infrared light hitting the base has the same effect as voltage on the base of a traditional transistor: The infrared light turns the transistor on. The brighter the infrared light, the better the emitter-collector path conducts.
When infrared light is present, the collector-emitter circuit conducts, and the LED lights up. Thus, the LED lights when the phototransistor is exposed to infrared light.
This project shows you how to build this circuit on a solderless breadboard. Once you have assembled this circuit, try exposing the phototransistor to different light sources to see whether they emit infrared light.
One sure source of infrared is a TV remote control. Point the remote at the phototransistor and press any button on the remote. You should see the LED flash on and off quickly as it responds to the infrared signals being sent by the remote.
Another interesting source of infrared is an open flame. Be very careful, of course; Don’t burn down your house just to see if the flames produce infrared light. If you have a small gas lighter, light it up and hold it near the phototransistor.
Infrared Emitter, Recievers & Repeaters
Do you wish you could hide your entertainment system in a less obtrusive view, share a Blu-ray player between two rooms or perhaps control your stereo's volume from anywhere in your house? This month's technical article is devoted to the technology needed to accomplish any of the above and more. We will provide the info and parts you will need to soup-up your existing remote control system for more functionality and sure-fire ways to outdo the Jones. Read on, tune in and don't drop that remote...
IR Transmission Theory
Infrared light transmission has been the standard for
line-of-sight type A/V remote controls since the early 1980s. IR transmitters use near-infrared light which is just below the
visible spectrum [Factoid: remote control IR transmitted signals can be seen with digital cameras and camcorders as appearing to be visible, purple light]. By using near-IR wavelengths, manufacturers can use cheap, plentiful, IR
LEDswhich are nearly identical to their visible-light counterparts save for emitting frequencies just below what the human eye can detect.
Unfortunately, infrared light as a transmission medium does have its drawbacks in the form of many other competing IR sources. The sun, light bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, fireplaces and in fact, anything that radiates heat, also radiates infrared light. Using IR for a remote now sounds like a recipe for disaster right? Wrong. Thanks to some applied modulation theory, the transmitted infrared signal will not be swamped by interference from other light sources.

Electromagnetic spectrum
Signal Modulation
IR signals can be modified to blink at chosen frequencies high enough to to stand out over most atmospheric
EMI. This is accomplished by modulating a signal with a
sinusoid carrier signal of frequency between 30 and 100 kHz. [Factoid: you can test to see if your IR remote is working by using it while pointed at a AM radio tuned to static. You should hear an oscillating sound above the static if the IR remote is transmitting].

Block diagram of modulated IR transmission and reception
Older remotes with only a single channel used the presence of a carrier signal to engage a function. Later systems with multiple channels (for multiple functions: volume control, change channel, change input type, etc.) modulate the carrier signal with a different frequency for each function. These frequencies are separated out after the initial signal is demodulated with appropriate analog filters. Current IR remote systems transmit digital packets of data along a single carrier frequency. Digital data allows for simpler and less expensive filters as well as a smaller parts count using
integrated circuits.
The basic connection scheme for an IR repeater system is the same whether one uses structured Cat-type cabling or coaxial cable direct injection: Remote control signals are received by IR receivers (either discreet units or wall mounted) and the signal is amplified and converted for transmission. From here the signal is sent over either Cat 5e/6 cable or injected into RG-type cable for distribution to the remotely-located connection block or a direct injection coupler. The last item in either case is the beam emitters which transmit the original IR beam directly to the remote-located components. Users should gravitate to whichever system allows for access to pre-existing infrastructure such as a cable line or structured cabling.

Sample IR repeater connection in home
End users living in newer homes with built-in Cat 5e or Cat 6 cabling for phone lines (less than two phones only) are in luck as this typically allows for a quick and painless install. Since the phone lines already share common wiring throughout the home, one can run the IR distribution system on the non-used data lines. In fact, IR remote signals as well as the 12 VDC can be inserted and extracted anywhere there is a RJ45 phone jack with this system.
IR distribution wiring over Category cable phone lines
Signal line purpose | RJ45 pin | Cat 5e/6 wire color (T568A termination) | IR stand alone receiver |
+12 VDC | 1 | white/green | Red |
Ground | 2 | green | Black |
Phone line 2 | 3 | white/orange | N/C |
Phone line 1 | 4 | blue | N/C |
Phone line 1 | 5 | white/blue | N/C |
Phone line 2 | 6 | orange | N/C |
IR Signal | 7 | white/brown | White |
Return LED Status | 8 | brown | N/C |
With this wiring scheme you can add a 12 VDC power supply to anywhere in the home that is accessible to the above wiring as long as it occupies the first pair of wires (white/green and green). Additionally, one can add stand alone IR receivers which use 3.5 mm mono plugs to the system. This is accomplished by replacing the 3.5 mm mono plug with a RJ45 jack wired corresponding to the fourth column in the table above. By doing so one can easily add a IR receiver to any room with a RJ45 phone jack.
How To Increase Your Remote's Effective Angle
One chief complaint users have with IR remote controls is their line-of-sight limitations. While this problem can be solved with many of the IR extenders/repeaters described above for use across multiple rooms, their use may seem to be overkill for use in a single room where the angle between the remote and the associated receiver is too steep. Typical remote control receivers allow for around a 60 degree reception angle in front of the device. However, this angle can be drastically increased with a simple fix that would make MacGyver proud: matte Scotch tape. Just apply a small strip to cover the sensor on the IR receiver and enjoy a wider effective angle for your remote control. The matte tape acts similar to frosted glass in
refracting incidental beams of IR light after they pass through it. For non-geeks: this translates to generating many beams of light, all at separate angles and at less strength than the original light beam. This spread of refracted beams should be picked up by the receiver within reason.
